
Off-site Links: Painting a Grey Knight Terminator  

Posted by Michael Hogan in , , ,

Hey everyone, Xethik here with a small post. Dave G from N++ posted today a great tutorial on painting Non-Metallic Metals (NMM) Grey Knights, without even blending colors. I think it is a great beginner's guide to going into the basics of Non-metallic metals and it actually gave me a lot of inspiration to try myself sometime soon. Here is the link to tutorial on painting the Grey Knight Terminator. I'll go into a bit more detail after the break.
If you've noticed, I'm part of the great group known as From The Warp. You can find a link on my sidebar. If you aren't a follower, I recommend you join up. It has links to many many MANY blogs and I've found several community sites I enjoy through it. It's just a great community network for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.

Recently, Ron from From The Warp and Dave G from N++ are grouping up to do a post every other Wednesday on some basic painting. They are calling it "Back to Basics" (N++ Version of Back to Basics). It's really enjoyable and helpful, and coming up somewhat soon is metallics, so be on the lookout for that as I'm sure some great tips for painting Grey Knights will pop up there. Both of these guys do much more than what I could do and much better. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated. Also, there are plenty of great links and articles on both of those blogs so browse around if you haven't before.

As always, comment away on your thoughts.

Until next time,

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at Wednesday, December 08, 2010 and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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